WM5.0SE?WM5.5? WM6? "Crossbow" Smartphone レビュー:GpsPasSion
As seen in our September 2006 poll, Windows Mobile remains a popular GPS Navigation platform in spite of the rise of the AIOs, with the PDA "flavour" coming out on top. The Smartphone "flavour" has gained a lot of traction though since it was launched at the end of 2002 though as seen in this article and this will probably go a step further with the upcoming "Crossbow" platform, that may or may not be called WM5.0SE, WM5.5 or WM6.0 when it is released.
GpsPasSionに時期WindowsMobileOSとなるコードネーム"CrossBow"のSmartPhone Editionの画像が10枚ほどアップされています!