
HTC Diamondの考察レビュー:All Things Digital

This week, I tried yet another software program that is designed to run on top of Windows Mobile software. But this time, the software is at the heart of a device designed by the same company: HTC Inc. I tested the HTC Touch Diamond, due o…

MWg Zinc IIのレビュー:Mobile Tech Review

The MWg Zinc II is a tweener; a traditional old school Windows Mobile Professional QWERTY side-slider with a few updates to help it compete with today's trendy touch screen WinMo devices like the HTC Touch Diamond, HTC Touch Pro, Samsung O…


期 日: 2008年9月5日(金) 時 間: 10:00〜17:30 場 所: 青山 TEPIA 入場料: 2,000円 (事前登録で入場料が無料になります) 特別協賛: マイクロソフト株式会社 2008年9月5日に青山でMCPCモバイルソリューションフェア2008が開催されるようです! 事前登…

Xperia X1は最後のSony Ericsson端末なのか?

The first and the last at the same time. But how it is possible? Howard Stringer (a Brit of Welsh origins) who is the first non-Japanese CEO of Sony - Japanese corporation after all - in latest interviews expressed doubts whether Sony Eric…

HTC S740の実機レビュー

Today NewMobile is reporting from the IFA fair in Berlin, Germany. We found the new HTC S740, that was announced several days ago, and got a chance to test the device.The one thing you notice immediately about the design is the fact that t…

Windows Mobile オーナーズ会員限定のアプリ30%オフキャンペーン!

Windows Mobile オーナーズ会員限定 原油高時代、Windows Mobile で凌げる? 無駄のない賢い生活をサポートするアプリ、今なら 30% オフ 9 月 16 日まで、BB ソフトサービス提供 主催 : BB ソフトサービス (株) 条件 : 9 月 16 日まで専用ページにて購入いた…

Palm Treo Proのフルレビュー: WMExperts

The Treo Pro is the latest Windows Mobile-based Treo from Palm. It is due to be available in Europe in September and available in the US later this Fall in an unlocked, non-carrier-subsidized form for $549. The Treo Pro is loaded with grea…

HTC S740がHTCのサイトで公式リリース!

Highlights Slide-out four-row keyboard for quick and easy text entry 2.4-inch TFT-LCD screen housed within a slim and elegant design Mobile Internet - surf and download at broadband speed with HSDPA and Wi-FiR 3.2 megapixel camera for qual…

HTC S740?のリーク画像!?

Alright, either I've completely missed the rumours about this device (entirely possible) or HTC managed to keep this one a secret up to the very end. This is an interesting phone! Here are all the specs, pulled right from the press release…

Palm Treo Proの開封動画レビューが!

First unboxings of Palm Treo Pro appear Palm Treo Pro will be the best Windows Mobile phone in a form factor with front-facing QWERTY keyboard for single-handed usage and a touch-screen. Since HTC is manufacturing this phone, HTC itself is…

HTC Touch Proの詳細レビュー:pocketnow

INTRODUCTION The Touch Diamond and Touch Pro are undoubtedly game-changers in Windows Mobile land. Soon, VGA resolution will be standard, most phones will utilize accelerometers, and having some sort of Windows Mobile interface replacement…

Sony Ericsson XPERIA X1の実機レビュー!

XPERIA X1 - first Windows Mobile device by Sony Ericsson Due to historical reasons, the WM platform has been largely attributed with being a niche solution should we judge on a global scale encompassing the whole telecom market. The sales …

Palm Treo Proの公式ページが公開!

Treo Pro smartphone by Palm 昨日のコメント欄でSoloPalmariさんに教えてもらいましたが、Palm Treo Proの公式ページが公開されているようです!!(@_@) いろいろ詳細がみれるようになっていますね! 思ったよりすごい早い展開になっているけど、発売もす…

Palm Treo Proのオフィシャルイメージと動画レビュー

Early this morning, Palm released two official press photos of the Treo Pro along with a short video of the handset in action. The company didn’t reveal a whole lot of information other than the following: the Treo Pro smartphone features …

HTC Touch Proのフォトレビュー!

TyTN IIIという名前からもHTCの力の入れようが分かるTouch PRO。まずは、さらっと写真レビュー。 pocketgamesさんのところにHTC Touch Pro(HTC Raphael)のフォトレビューが掲載されています! 写真だけみたら分厚い感じがしましたが、なんだか、よさそうです…

Windows Mobile 6.1の知られざる改良点!?

WM6.0→WM6.1の改良点はタスクマネージャの追加、IEのズーム機能とかのUI周り以外にもメモリ管理とかも手直ししてるのね、、、 特にdevice.exeのスタックがプロセスのスロットから別スロットになったのはでかい。 device.exeは他プロセスと比較にならないほど…

HTC DiamondのCDMA版は分厚いらしい

For your consideration: Above, we have the HTC Touch Diamond and the, well, HTC Touch Diamond.Static over at HowardForums has posted a series of photos showing the GSM version of the Touch Diamond atop its CDMA cousin, currently offered by…

Palm Treo Pro(Treo 850w)はHTC製!

Man, this is getting crazy now. Here are a few dozen more, super high rez pics of the seemingly popular Treo Pro. どういうわけだか、Palm Treo Pro(Treo 850w)の中文版のそれもデバッグ機の写真がアップされています(w サスペンド時の時計はいいか…

HTC Touch Proのフルレビュー!

The big brother of the HTC Diamond has arrived and we are expecting great things. Its been called a brick by many but if this device lives up to expectations it could be the best Windows Mobile device around. When the Diamond was launched …

KTPocketLaunch2にX02HT/X03HT/Treo 500v版が追加!

「SoftBank X02HT専用」と「Treo 500v専用」に処理を入れるのを忘れてましたので、更新しました。「WM5(PocketPC)/WM6(Professional)用」は更新ありません。 ついでに「SoftBank X03HT専用」版も追加公開しておきました。こちらは、KeySwap.iniを用意しなく…


「テンキーで絞り込みしたい」、「"R"を押したら"2"も検索対象にしたい」など、機種・個人個別の設定ができる機能をつけました。 2008/08/14 Ver0.26 KeySwap.iniの読み込み処理追加 id:KOTETUさんのKTPocketLaunch2がiniファイルに対応して、10キーでの絞り…

Palm Treo Proのリークが!!

By mistake (?) Palm has leaked a Flash presentation at learning.palm.com (by now: removed already), a presentation that revealed existence of Palm Treo Pro, probably a GSM phone that Palm will soon release: msmobiles.comによると、Palm Treo…

HTC Touch Proがイギリスで発売開始!

Fatty brother of HTC Touch Diamond is indeed thicker but in return it brings additionally QWERTY keyboard, much bigger battery, SDHC memory card and TV-output! msmobiles.comで知りましたが、HTC Touch Pro(HTC Raphael)がすでに在庫があって販売…


If touch flow was the only thing keeping you from getting the Diamond, then you might want to take a look at TouchXperience. It brings a sort of infinite scrolling to your Diamond and gives you the option to scroll through via 'flicking' t…

ASUS P560が技適通過!

ASUS P560が日本の技適を通過しているとタレこみをいただいたので総務省のページで調べてみたら、確かに2GHz帯で通ってますね?(w 総務省 電波利用ホームページ | 技術基準適合証明等を受けた機器の検索 総務省 電波利用ホームページ | 技術基準適合証明等…

Palm Treo 800wの動画レビュー

A new look for the Treo but some work ahead... The Treo 800w is Palm’s newest Windows Mobile Phone announced today.The Treo 800w operates on the Sprint Mobile Broadband Network and comes out of the box with support for EV-DO Rev. A data sp…

HTC e-clubがほぼ開放に!

There's a fresh breeze going through HTC HQ at the moment. The company has opened up ROM updates to almost everyone. I say "almost", because you still need your device's serial number to download the updates, but that's a heck of a lot bet…

HTC Diamondの丸いのはHTC VictorでEMOBILEから?!


HTC Touch Diamondの3G版もFCC通過でUS投入か!

Documents seen on the FCC site reveal some details about a new version of the HTC Touch Diamond. The Touch Diamond was first announced by HTC in May. The original version did not support U.S. 3G spectrum bands. This new version seen on the…

HTC Touch Diamondの新ROMはいいらしい!

Who doesn’t want their phone to work a little bit faster? That’s the thinking behind the latest ROM for the HTC Touch Diamond. In fact, the update upgrades the phone’s capability to use 850MHz GSM Band and general kick in the pants to the …