HTC Touch Proの詳細レビュー:pocketnow
The Touch Diamond and Touch Pro are undoubtedly game-changers in Windows Mobile land. Soon, VGA resolution will be standard, most phones will utilize accelerometers, and having some sort of Windows Mobile interface replacement will be expected. The Touch Pro is the business device that many have been waiting for. It's got a stellar spec sheet, a beautiful design, and a generous hardware keyboard offering. This is the review you want to read if you want to know everything about the HTC Touch Pro. Read on for our comprehensive review.
pocketnowにHTC Touch Pro(HTC Raphael)の4ページにもわたる詳細なレビューが掲載されています!
ベンチマークをみるとCPU性能は同等なTouch Diamond(基本的な設計は同じだとおもう)よりもFile Systemのスピードが速いってのはやっぱり搭載メモリが多いからですかね〜?
心なしかTouch FLO 3Dの描画が速いってのもチューニングよりも物理的な問題だったりw