
Treo 750vは10/2から欧州で発売開始!:msmobiles.com

At last also Europeans will be able to experience wonders of Treo smartphones, that in USA have achieved cult status. Previously only very old outdated Treo smartphones were available for European market - and powered by some exotic operat…



i-mate JAQ Review:Pocketnow.com

The review of first i-mate branded phone that is not manufactured by HTC, has been published! Lack of Wi-Fi, no UMTS/HSDPA, no A2DP (stereo audio over Bluetooth), and larger than average size, may put off some people though... msmobiles.co…


アイテムリストに収まらないときに、縦スクロールバーが出るように変更 kzouさんの要望で変更しました。つうか、自分でコレを使ってなかったからわからなかったけど、W-ZERO3[es]ってこんなにToday のアプレットが多いのね^^; id:KOTETUさんのTodayHelper…