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O2 Xda IIsフォトレビュー:livedoor


日本ではこの夏にもNTTドコモから「M1000」というスマートフォンが発売される予定だが、このニュースではじめて「スマートフォン」という言葉を聞いた人も多いかもしれない。 しかし、「スマートフォン」と呼ばれる無線LANやBLuetoothを搭載し、PDAのように…

Windows Mobile 2003 SE Adaptation Kit Update(AKU2.6):PDAgold.com


Microsoft is going to release something like a service pack for the Windows Mobile 2003 Second edition, which will be a part of manufacturer's ROM updates, for example for the upcoming iPAQ hx4700 or hx2000 series ROM update. If you expect…

LifeDriveはTungsten Xではないらしい(英文):Brighthand


Rumors have been circulating since March about palmOne's next high-end handheld. In the beginning, this device was always referred to as the LifeDrive. Last month, a very reliable source informed Brighthand that this device will be called …

更に遅れたBenQ P50(英文):infoSync World


Initially slated for launch in late 2004 only to shortly thereafter be delayed until the first quarter of 2005, the Windows Mobile based P50 communicator from BenQ is facing yet another hurdle on its road to retail availability. A BenQ rep…


【ご案内(誘導)】 FakeCursorへの熱い要望をまとめる日記(FakeCursorPPC V1.03が公開中!) Happy Tapping Keyboard for PPC2003SE(まとめ)New! (HappyTappingKeyboard Ver1.01 Release!)まとめ直しました(^^ゞ hx4700用CursorIMとFakePADテスト中!最新の話…