LifeDriveはTungsten Xではないらしい(英文):Brighthand

Rumors have been circulating since March about palmOne's next high-end handheld. In the beginning, this device was always referred to as the LifeDrive.
Last month, a very reliable source informed Brighthand that this device will be called the Tungsten X, and even said they had seen a model with this name printed on it.
Now, however, another very reliable source has leaked to Brighthand a palmOne PowerPoint presentation that clearly indicates that this model will indeed be called the LifeDrive.

Brighthandによると3月までLifeDriveといわれていた時期PalmOneのHDD搭載端末は先月にTungsten Xという名称だといわれました。
しかしながら、PalmOneに近い情報筋によるとLifeDriveという名前でZireやTungstenシリーズのHandheldとTreoシリーズのSmartPhoneシリーズとは別のMobile Managerという製品群になるようです。