iPhone似のPocketCM SIP Keyboard
As great as HTC's Touch interface is on the first level, on the second level it's pure Windows Mobile Professional again which means you have a soft input panel (aka SIP aka keyboard) which is, more or less, not finger-friendly (Not to say useless. Ever tried to enter 0000 if you want to pair your Touch with another Bluetooth device?). Well, there is a new finger-friendly keyboard in town called PocketCM Keyboard and it's now available in version 0.5.
the::unwired で紹介されていますが、HTC Touchによく合う、iPhone似のSIPでPocketCMというのがあるそうです!
IMEのON/OFFボタンでもあれば最高ですけどね(^^ゞ 日本語版の要望出してみようかなぁ〜?(w
- http://www.theunwired.net/?item=input-pocketcm-sip-keyboard-for-thumb-use-with-htc-touch
- http://www.pocketcm.com/keyboard.php