ドイツ最初のWM6はHTC Herald(O2 Xda terra)!
As announced earlier this year during the CeBIT, O2 Germany is ready to release its first Windows Mobile 6 smartphone next week, starting from May 1st - the O2 Xda terra aka HTC Herald. Not that the Xda terra is - hardware-wise - anything new (since it is based on HTC'S Herald reference design), but it's O2 Germany's first available Windows Mobile 6 Pocket PC Phone Edition (with Windows Mobile 6 known as Professional smartphone) and the first available Windows Mobile 6 PDA in the market anyway.
the::unwiredで知りましたが、ドイツのO2からXda terraというHTC HeraldベースのWM6デバイスが5月1日より発売されるようです!
1バイト圏はすでにOSが発表されていていいなぁ〜? 日本語版まだ〜?(w