Fujitsu-Siemens Pocket LOOX T830

One of the more interesting and unique devices to hit the market is the Fujitsu-Siemens Pocket LOOX T830, which appears to be designed on JOAT (Jack Of All Trades) principles, offering the best of all worlds, instant communication, speed, and connectivity. Have FSC designed a machine which can achieve those goals and hit a top position in the market? Read on to find out

4winmobile.comにFujitsu-Siemens Pocket LOOX T830のフルレビューが掲載されています!
アプリケーションの一覧なんかを見るとFSCのオリジナルアプリが結構入っているんですね〜? 個人的には全部乗せのT830のUSBホスト機能とかのレビューが見たかったり(^^;