QuantaがWM5の3G SmartPhoneに本格参入か!?:msmobiles.com

Quanta is manufacturing O2 Xda Atom devices for O2 Asia and some iPAQ phones for HP. Since UMTS/3G is becoming "a must" this year it is good to discover that Quanta is working also on 3G phone powered by Windows Mobile 5.0! Please note: O2 Xda Atom is extremely popular in Asia and 3G version of this phone may be popular in Europe and USA...
Interestingly it is not announcement from Quanta itself but announcement from supplier, where upcoming 3G Windows Mobile phone from Quanta is being unveiled! Information from RADVISION follows.

msmobiles.com で知りましたが、台湾最大手のNotePCのOEM/ODMメーカーのQuantaからWM5.0な3Gデバイスが本格的に出そうな話をTV電話関連のソフトを作っているRADVISIONのリリースから紹介しています!
Quantaですでに"O2 Xda Atom(GSM)"をアジア圏に出荷しており、今後が楽しみなメーカーの一つですが、3Gに本格参入するといろいろと楽しみが増えそうな予感ですね!(^^;