Microsoft Office Communicator MobileがRelease!!
The Communicator for Windows Mobile is available for all versions of Windows Mobile, both Windows Mobile 2003 and Windows Mobile 5.0, both Pocket PC and MS Smartphone and it is just an add-on for pricey Live Communications Server 2005. In other words: it's a voice over IP (VoIP) for enterprises and a version for Windows Mobile is just a way to boost sales of the server software... で知りましたが、IM(インスタントメッセンジャー)とVoIPを含んだWindowsMobile用のアプリケーション、Microsoft Office Communicator MobileがReleaseされたようです!!
これでVoIPで通話が出来る!と思って入れてみたのですが、Windows 2003 ServerとMicrosoft Office Live Communications Serverが必要なようです(;O;)