Fujitsu Siemens Pocket LOOX N520
We received an engineer sample of FS Pocket LOOX N520 for our tests. Many functions do not work (the sample is very early), but still some conclusions can be made even now. So, now we publish a preliminary review and will renew it later when having a final sample of the device.
In fact, the model is rather a copy of the LOOX 420, innovations include integrated GPS, new operating system Windows Mobile 5.0, new CPU, USB host. In its turn, the LOOX 420 is actually HP iPaq 4150 in another body.
Mobile-review.comにFujitsu Siemens Pocket LOOX N520の評価機のReviewが掲載されています!
現行のPocketLoox 720より小ぶりでGPSを内蔵しているようです! CPUのクロックとRAM/ROMの容量が少ない気もしますが、記事にも書かれているとおり、HTC GalaxyやAsus MyPal A626と競合しそうなGPS搭載PDAになりそうです(^^ゞ