Palmax GDAレビュー
Palmax GDA is one of the first PDA based on new SiRF Star III chipset and the first GPS-device with internal antenna. Taking into account price/quality ratio (the retail price is $350-400) we have a good solution to be used mainly in cars. If we consider it as the full value PDA, we'll obviously lack Bluetooth, Wi-Fi and a VGA screen. In this case you'd better consider the pair PDA + external GPS module. にて東芝のNotePCや過去のPDA、MotorolaのMPxなどのODMを手がけたらしい台湾のCompal社のGPS搭載PocketPC、Palmax GDAのレビューが掲載されています!
PocketPC 2003SEでSiRF Star III+SD搭載の横型QVGA機ですが、BluetoothやWiFiは搭載されていないようです。
MiTAC Mio169やAsus MyPAL A632とのライバル争いがこれから見ものかもしれませんね?