
Rumors of a Windows Mobile powered Treo persist. Last year, Palm (then pa1mOne) executives didn't deny rumors of a Windows Mobile powered Treo now that the split between the hardware company and operating system company (PalmSource) had happened. There are more rumors here and here. Now that PalmSource has pretty much killed PalmOS until it brings out a Linux version by 2008, it makes a lot of sense that Palm would be looking at other platforms to keep their line fresh, a fact that they discussed on their conference call last year..

Pocket PC Thoughtsに相変わらず、WindowsMobileを搭載したTreo700の噂があったり、合成写真(?)まで上がってます(^^ゞ
WindowsMobile 5.0/256MBのFlash RAM/WiFi/Bluetooth/GPS/FM Radio/2Mpixelのカメラを搭載して液晶が320x320だと書かれていますが、Flashの容量と液晶の解像度について突込みが入っています・・・(^^;