
E-TEN G500レビュー:phoneArena.com

"The target market for the G500 are users who want in-car navigation, Pocket PC and phone in one device. The device combines all the necessary features needed - superb GPS functionality, thanks to the SIRF III chipsets; Windows Mobile 5 op…

Pocket Loox 720のバラ仕方:SoloPalmari


As I have told to you, the screen of mine loved PL720 some time makes is remained crushed between me and the tank of the other my love (that it is a jealousy problem). After to have asked the substitution via email the service for the FS (…

DoCoMoがすべての機種をGSM対応に!:kei_1's Blog

NTTドコモは20日、2年以内にすべての携帯電話端末を、世界130か国以上で使える通信方式「GSM」に対応させ、そのまま海外に持ち出して通話できるエリアを大幅に拡大する方針を明らかにした。 ようやく動くのね、ドコモさん vodafone Japanがソフ…