HTC Touch DiamondのO2版はO2 Xda diamond
Following O2 Germany's earlier announcement to launch it's version of HTC's Touch Diamond later this summer as the O2 Xda diamond, the German carrier held two press events this week where the Xda diamond was first time publicly shown. While I had the chance the get my hands on an earlier version already, for me it was the first time also to see the final look and feel of O2's latest Xda Windows Mobile smartphone.
ドイツのO2から出るDiamondはO2 Xda Diamondという名称で、四角いDiamondの筐体に裏面はマットなブラックみたいでO2らしい筐体みたいですね?(^^;
AQUAちっくなTouchFLO 3Dの背景がいかにもって感じ・・・(w