HTC Touch Slide(HTC Nike)

You remember the HTC event taking place on Monday? Well, it seems my suspicions were correct... one of the 3 devices launching is a new evolution of the HTC Touch, branded the HTC Touch slide!
The device will look very similar to the touch, and feature 3G + HSDPA, a 400MHz Qualcomm processor (that we're all rather used to now), a 2 megapixel camera, microSD expansion and a first-of-a-kind for Windows Mobile Suretype keyboard, a-la-Blackberry Pearl.

すでに各所で書かれていますが、HTC Nikeが正式に出るみたいですね〜?
HT1100も数字キー、平仮名10キー、英文QWERTYとかトグルで変わるように仕様が変更になったら最高なんだけどね? まだ、仕様じゃないとか発表会で言っていたので間に合ったら嬉しいかも(^^;