SpectecからmicroSDスロット付きminiSD GPSが間もなく登場!

This receiver is equipped with a very sensitive GPS chipset of latest generation - SiRF Start III - and if only microSD card slot in your Windows Mobile phone is accessible externally, you will be able to add GPS functionality to it easily!
SDG-811 miniSD GPS card can upgrade your Windows Mobile device to include GPS connectivity. It features a SiRF Star III receiver with low signal levels and high sensitivity acquisition rates.
It has a built-in omni-directional antenna and supports 20 channel GPS all-in-view accuracy. A coloured LED shows that the GPS signal is fixed or that it is searching for the signal.
It also features a microSD card slot that can accept cards of up to 2GB.

msmobiles.com で知りましたが台湾のSpectecからmicroSDスロットつきのminiSD GPSレシーバーがeXpansysでは予約受付になっていて、近日中に登場しそうな感じです!
Spectec自体は絵に描いた餅が多い(笑)のですが、GPSチップもSiRF Star IIIなんで期待度が上がっています!!