Zenum Opusのフォトレビュー:CNET.co.uk
In a marketplace dominated by big smart phone companies, it's rare to see a very small company try to go for it on its own. There are, however, a few brave souls who think they can take on the might of the multinationals, including a Swiss company called Zenum.
Over the past couple of months, Zenum has created an online buzz about a device codenamed the Zenum Opus Operis. Bloggers everywhere were drooling over the Opus's sexy case and Qwerty keypad, but few had managed to actually see it in real life.
CNET.co.ukにZenum Opusのフォトレビューが掲載されています!
WM6 Professionalを搭載して、タッチパネル付きの2.5インチ液晶を搭載したGSMデバイスのようです。 スペック的にCPUにOMAP、ROM 128MB/RAM 64MBとちょっと時代遅れ感がありますが、まだ試作機らしいので実際に販売されるときにはどうなるか期待したいところですね!