HTC Sirius/Erato/Wings噂のスペック:Engadget

First up is the HTC P6500 Sirius: a quad band, WiFi and EDGE device that runs Windows Mobile 6, has a 400MHz Samsung processor, a 3.5-inch QVGA display, and also comes with 256MB and 64MB of RAM and ROM respectively. Next up is the HTC S420 Erato flip smartphone, which could potentially be the successor to the Star Trek. This 99 gram, 2.4-inch screen flipper should come with the same 400MHz CPU and Windows Mobile 6 operating system as the Sirius, but adds features like UMTS and HSDPA connectivity, an FM radio receiver, SiRF Star III GPS, and a 2 megapixel shooter. Finally there's the touchscreen featured (but stylus lacking) HTC S730 Wings which shares the same CPU, operating system, connectivity, screen, camera, GPS, and storage as the Sirius. In fact, the only difference we can tell between the two is the addition of WiFi, the exclusion of FM, and a different form factor to accommodate a slide-out QWERTY keypad. PDAdb quotes possible release dates for these unannounced and currently rumored devices as August for the Sirius, April for the Erato, and July for the Wings. You can't get a more detailed "rumor" than that.

HTC Siriusはクワッドバンド、WiFi、EDGEでSamsungの400MHzのCPUを搭載して、WM6採用、3.5インチのQVGA液晶、256MB/RAMと64MB/ROM、SDスロットを持つそうです。
HTC Erato(HTC S420)はクラムシェルのHTC StarTrekの後継機で99g、2.4インチ液晶、Samsungの400MHzのCPU、BluetoothはあるもののWiFiは無しですがUMTSとHSDPA、FM RADIO、SiRF Star III GPS、200万画素のカメラなどもあるようですね。
HTC Wings(HTC S730)はHTC Hermes(X01HThTc Z)に10キーがついてSiRF Star III GPSが追加されたような感じのスペックらしいです(^^ゞ
VGA液晶こそ採用していませんが、最終的なデザインはともかく、HTC EratoとWingsには期待していたり(^^;