E-TEN Glofiish M700のBig Review:PDAgold.com

We have witnessed a boom of pocket computers with an integrated QWERTY keyboard lately. E-TEN has hopped on the bandwagon with its new Glofiish M700. Besides a large, blue backlit keyboard, it boasts a wide range of attractive features, such as a quad-band cell phone, a sensitive GPS receiver with SiRF Star III chipset, the latest version of Windows Mobile 5 AKU 3.2, and an extensive software package. Read on to find out about real-life experience with this device.

PDAgold.com にE-TEN Glofiish M700(製品版らしい)のBig Reviewが掲載されています!
それにしても凄い写真の量と豊富なキャプチャーで解りやすいですね〜! GSMのみながらSiRF Star IIIを内蔵しているのはいいかも知れませんね?