HTC Athena(HTC X7500)のレビューが公開!
Release of HTC Athena must be close (probably middle of next month when 3GSM 2006 conference takes place and where HTC is present) because information about T-Mobile incarnation of HTC Athena - T-Mobile AMEO has leaked and because apparently some people already have tested HTC's own incarnation of this phone - HTC X7500 and they even reviewed it! Here comes first real-life review of HTC Athena! This review contains several interesting photos, like this one that compars HTC Athena (here: HTC X7500) to HTC Hermes (here: HTC TyTN):
msmobiles.comから辿りましたがロシアのhpc.ruのサイトでHTC Athena(HTC X7500)のレビューが公開されています!
今までに見たことがないHTC カラーになっていてHTC Hermesとの比較写真なんかもありますね〜!