HTC Apacheの後継機?:Engadget Mobile
We'll say upfront that these photos have been 'shopped to protect the innocent, but don't let that fact turn you off; given what we know and what we've seen, we've every reason to believe this thing is the real deal. This is, of course, the Titan -- the long-overdue successor to the Apache -- coming to the table with goodies like Rev. A-upgradeable EV-DO, 256MB of internal storage, Bluetooth 2.0, and a 2 megapixel cam. Expect it to rock out on Verizon as the XV8600 and Sprint this May as the PPC 6800. Get your fix of shots from every angle after the break.
Engadget MobileにHTCの新しい端末らしいもののリーク画像が掲載されています!
EV-DOに256MBのメモリ搭載でHTC Apacheの後継機のようですが、microSDスロットの位置やWiFiのON/OFFがハードウェアスイッチになったりと結構変わっていますね?
HTCClubのサイトではHTC CensusとかHTC Titanって名前かもとか書かれていてますが実際はどうなんでしょうね〜?