Sprint向けのMotorola Q レビュー:Mobility Today
This week at the 2007 Consumer Electronics Show Sprint announced the availability of the new Motorola Q. Lucky for us we were able to get our hands on a unit and quite honestly are very happy with it! Previously we were very unhappy with the poor battery life and unstable operating system Verizon released on their network. Last month Verizon rushed the new ROM out to address all the problems they continually denied. Well Sprint did the right thing and waited for all the dust to settle and released a solid performer on a fantastic network.
Mobility TodayにSprint向けMotorola Qのレビューが2ページにわたって公開されています!
Motorola Qのモックアップ(海外のモックなのでクオリティは・・・)を持っていますがカーソルキーが使いにくそうな印象をうけたのですが実際にはどうなんでしょうね〜?