TodayをiPhone風に・・・:Mobility Today

We all want to get our hands on the Apple iPhone and quite honestly I am! Well the guys over at XDA Developers have done a nice job modding the today screen (btw which has been done for many other phones). I am very excited about this since it is the closest I can come to have something that looks like the iPhone (yes I know it doesn't do what the iPhone does)..

Mobility Todayから辿りましたが、WMのTodayをiPhoneのメニュー風にする手法がXDA Developerにて紹介されているようです(^^ゞ
設定するにはToday Pluginやアイコンファイルや色々他にも必要ですが雰囲気を味わいたい人はチャレンジしても面白いかも(^^;

WM SmartPhone Editionはこちらを参照
