i-mate JAQ3のレビュー: phoneArena

The first unit that appeared was the JAQ, manufactured by Inventec ? a Pocket PC phone in candybar design, with landscape display and full QWERTY keyboard; it reminds of the Motorola Q and Samsung Blackjack because of its form, but its main difference (and advantage) is that the JAQ runs Windows Mobile for Pocket PCs instead of for Smartphones. JAQ3 is its successor, having smaller dimensions (especially thickness) and improved design ? a device with high functionality and keyboard that is comfortable for messaging purposes.

phoneArenaにInventec製のi-mate JAQ3のレビューが2ページにわたり掲載されています!(2ページ目は写真満載)
Moto Q、BlackJackと比べてSmartPhone EditionではなくPocketPC Phone Editionなのが嬉しいかも(^^ゞ