Skype for SmartPhone Editionがβ公開!:

This is the best news story of year 2006 for Windows Mobile! Not only Skype has adapted mobile client to run with Pocket PC phones powered by energy-saving 200 MHz processors, but most importantly Skype has released mobile client for MS Smartphone, the smaller Windows Mobile platform for touch screen -less devices! We have tested it and it works perfectly, including making voice calls over Internet (screen shots from MS Smartphone edition, not from Pocket PC version): にSkypeのSmartPhone Editionのベータ版が加わり公開がされています!
一応、WiFiもしくは3G搭載のSmartPhone Edition用と言うことで使えるものも限られるし、使用するメモリも結構多めなので専用機になってしまいそうな感じもしますが・・・(^^ゞ
HTC Tornado(DoPod 577w)かHTC Breeze(HTC MTeoR)を初期化してから入れてみようかなぁ〜。