O2 Xda Stealth レビュー:the::unwired

Well, it's not too long ago, that the first information of a previously totally unknown Pocket PC Phone Edition from O2 Asia called "O2 Stealth" made it to the web and now, the first review followed already.
The guys over at MrPalm.com managed to get a O2 Stealth into their hands and published and impressive first review of O2 Asia's latest Pocket PC Phone Edition, with tons of stand-alone and comparison photos.

ちょっと前にFCC通過というエントリーで紹介したthe::unwired でMRPalm.comによるO2 Stealthの実機レビューが紹介されています!
QVGA+スライドする10キー搭載のGSM採用のO2 Stralthですが、こういう携帯っぽい端末が日本でも出てくれるといいんだけど・・・。