.NET CF 2.0 SP1向けのパッチを公開!:msmobiles.com

This download from Microsoft is interesting mostly for mobile developers, but also users who use some programs based on .NET in their Windows Mobile devices can find it useful...
The Microsoft .NET Compact Framework 2.0 SP1 patch contains the updated common language runtime and class libraries built for the .NET Compact Framework SP1. The patch will update the installation of .NET Compact Framework 2.0 installed with the following products:

msmobiles.comで知りましたが、先日SP1が出た.NET CF 2.0のVisualStudio2005向けの修正パッチが公開されたようです!
VisualStudio2005で.NET CF 2.0を利用する開発者の方は入れておいたほうが良いみたいですね!