By upgrading your HTC Univesal (like for example: O2 Xda Exec) you may render your phone unusable..
If you have bootloader v0.56 on your device, DO NOT upgrade to an AKU2 or you will turn it into a paperweightpaperweight!
To check your bootloader, hold the light key, power key and press the reset button. If it says v1.00 then you don't need to worry. If it says v0.56, you must not upgrade to AKU2. If you do, the only way to fix it is to flash back to a pre-AKU2 rom or upgrade your bootloader to v1.00 (which is currenty not possible publically).
HTC UniversalをAKU2.0が入っているROMにアップグレードするときには必ずBootloaderをV0.56ではなく、それ以上(V1.00)にあげないといけないようです(^^;
V1.00ってどこで手に入るんだろう?? Radio ROMのバージョンあげないとだめかな(^^ゞ