Mio's DigiWalker 269 GPS MP3 Player レビュー:Engadget

MobileMag got their hands on a Mio 269 for a review, giving it a respectable 88% score after putting it through it’s paces. In case you missed it, the device is a combo GPS/MP3 player unit (though it seems to be tilted heavily in the GPS direction), loaded with a 3.5-inch LCD, 300MHz Intel Xscale 300 CPU, 32MB ROM, 64MB SDRAM, an SD / MMC for cards up to 1GB, and a 500GB hard drive. One of MobileMag’s biggest gripes with the unit is that you can’t play MP3s while you’re using the navigation function (a fairly big oversight if you ask us), but otherwise they found it to be a pretty impressive device.

EngadgetにMobilemag.comがMio 269を入手してレビューを掲載しているという記事が載っていました(^^;
OSはWin CE .NET4.2みたいですね〜? そういえば、横型のGPS付き車載機とかAV向けのデバイスの噂が去年の今頃あって、今年の始めに出るとかいう話はどうなったんだろう(^^ゞ
順当にいけばMio 169なんだろうけど・・・・(^^ゞ PDA・モバイルソリューションフェア 2005行くとなんか情報あるかな?