Asus P505 - Photo and Video

The Asus P505 is an interesting device - I didn't realize it was essentially the same size as the iMate Jam, which makes it quite small. The design and features look interesting, and the flip-down dialling pad is reminiscent of the Sony Ericcson P900. Check out the full review!

Pocket PC Thoughtsにに掲載されているAsus P505のPhoto and Video reviewが紹介されています!!
Asus 505はいままで大きさが大きいと思われていましたが、iMate Jam(HTC Magician)とほぼ同じサイズの小さな筐体でフリップがSony Ericcson P900を彷彿させるデザインで面白いと書かれています。