フォトレポート(タイ語):Pocket PC Thoughts

My Thai brethren are on a roll with their articles. This time, they have a preview of the BenQ P50. The device hasn't been officially released in Thailand so expect a full review from them once it hits at the end of this month. Of course, the article is purely in Thai but (true to the characteristic of their articles) there are a ton of screenshots for all to enjoy

Pocket PC ThoughtsにBenQ P50のレビューサイトが紹介されています!(^o^)丿
喜んで行って見たらタイ語で全然読めなかったり・・・orz まぁ、写真とキャプチャーが豊富にあるのでそれだけ見ても楽しめたり(^^;
Engineering Sampleって書いてありますね(^^ゞ