BenQ P50 vs Treo 650(英文):Engadget

BenQ’s P50 Pocket PC Phone side-by-side with the Treo 650 that it is supposedly going to slay (you can read what we think about that here). No US wireless carriers have committed to offering P50 here yet, but since it is a GSM phone it’d have to be either Cingular or T-Mobile. Click to see a couple more action shots.

うわ〜〜、EngadgetにBenQ P50とTreo 650と並んで大きさの比較ができる写真があがっています!(^o^)丿
う〜〜ん、Treo 650と比べてちょっと縦長だけど細身でいい感じ〜! これなら全然、許容範囲の大きさです! 