

購読者向けのキャンペーンページなのであえてリンクは書けませんがMicrosoftの「Windows Mobile Newsletter Japan」を購読の方々に新規で年契という縛りがありますが特別プライスで提供されるようです(^^ゞ ←WillcomStoreより安いっすよ! 既にWindows Mobil…

E-TENからM700がリリース?:PDA Live!

E-Ten is likely to release a QWERTY-enabled version of the recently announced Glofiish X500 anytime soon.According to Mobilnaut.cz, the upcoming E-Ten M700 will become the company’s first Pocket PC Phone with a full QWERTY keypad.The latte…

Samsung i607(BlackJack)がプレゼン資料でリーク!:msmobiles.com

We have published previously short review of Samsung i600 - a European version of this phone, but now it seems that this phone is coming soon (before Christmas 2006) to Cingular in USA - as i607 - as one can see from this presentation! msm…