Palm Treo 800wのレビュー2本

If you’re searching for a phone with some serious rumor history, look no further; the Treo 800w has been knocking around the internet for months now, promising Palm’s fabled usability together with CDMA 3G connectivity. Now conjecture no more, the touchscreen smartphone has been confirmed as part of Sprint’s new line-up, and we’ve had the 800w in for testing. Read on for the full review.

SlashGearにPalm Treo 800wのレビューが掲載されています!

If you've been really eager, it's possible you already bought one of these. If you haven't, then here's your chance to see Palm's latest Windows Mobile phone from just about every angle you could possibly imagine. We've got the company's new enterprise-themed phone in-hand (and on-table), and we're currently putting it through its paces. Take a look at the gallery below for a slew of pictures, and stay tuned for a review from us coming soon.

Engadget MobileにもPalm Treo 800wのフォトレビューが掲載されています!(^^;