SonyEricsson Xperia X1の記者向け発表会で解ったこと!

I'm currently in Lund, Sweden at Sony Ericsson's HQ where the company hosts a press event today. And hot from the Xperia X1 hands-on session with Magnus Andersson, Senior Product Manager Xperia X1, we got the news, that Spb will release a Spb Shell plug-in for the Xperia X1 panels. For sure, Sony Ericsson wasn't able to comment on how and when Spb Shell for the Xperia X1 will be available but it exists.
Also Sony Ericsson confirmed that the Xperia X1 will definitely not have an accelerometer but also confirmed that it will come with 384 MB RAM!

スェーデンで行われた、SonyEricsson Xperia X1の記者向け発表会でいろいろな情報が解ってきたようですw

  • spbがXperia用にspb shellのプラグインを提供すること。
  • 加速度センサーがついていないこと。
  • RAMが384MBあること
  • Xperia X1には北米向けのX1aと欧州アジア向けのX1iがあること
  • Flash Lite 3が非搭載なこと
