Opera Mobile 9.5は17日木曜日Releaseに?
As you can imagine, we encountered a few bugs last week that we needed to fix before we launch. Our engineering team worked through the weekend to fix the bugs. Even though our release is a beta, we'd rather spend the extra time to fix them, thus giving you a better experience. The fixes are almost complete now, but we need two more days to run the build through our quality assurance testing. The new launch date is now set for the 17th.
Opera Mobile 9.5(Beta)のReleaseは以前から7/15(火)と言われていましたが、最終的なバグFIXの為に7/17(木)に延期されたもようです。
先週 今週、WILLCOM 03に提供されたものとbuildが気になるところだったり(^^;