Sprint Touch(HTC Touch)の動画レビュー

Our initial impression: pretty neat. Sprint seems to be making this an important device for their lineup this Christmas - they've bunded a heckuva lot of their own apps and services in there. I'm not sure I like that -- I'm especially dubious about their java-based Sprint Music app -- but the device itself is a big improvement over the original HTC Touch. More memory, a faster processor, and improved TouchFlo features make the Sprint Touch a winner - it's almost enough to make you forget they dropped WiFi on the device.

Sprint向けのHTC TouchはCDMA版なのでHTC Vogueといわれるものかと思われますが、ちょっと厚くなっただけでメモリーが増量されたりCPUも高速化したり、Sprintの独自のサービスにも対応していて、いい感じかも?(^^ゞ