Plamから来週UMPCが発表?(噂):Gadgets on the Go

It's widely know that Jeff Hawkins will be announcing a new Palm device at the Mossberg and Swisher's D Conference next week. Some sites are speculating it will be an UMPC device. No one knows for sure, except Palm of course. Whatever it is it will be sure to be something big, this is coming from the man that created the Palm Pilot, the Treo, and now this new device. Stay tuned for more information, and jopefully leaks:)

Gadgets on the GoによるとPalmJeff Hawkinsが来週にも新しいPalmデバイスを発表するらしいです(@_@)
噂によるとUMPCらしいとか書かれていますが、LifeDriveの上をいくHTC AthenaのようなExecutive向けのデバイスなのでしょうか? それとも??