英語版のUNOFFICIAL Firmware1.11が流出:Benq P50 Community
Many user had successfully convert their chinese version OS to english as well as upgrade their english version to 1.11 with no problem.
However upon examination of the firmware from the official as well as non official release review that there is a difference in the built date and time which could be the time that the firmware is compiled or when the firmware is flashed (still need to be confirmed) . We are not sure whether is the unofficial version a beta version or is it exactly the same as official releases done my Benq Official Appointed service centre in Parco Bugis.
g:p50のg:p50:id:boxofcookieさんのところや、g:p50:id:seriさんのところで知りましたが、英語版のUNOFFICIAL Firmware1.11が流出しているみたいです(^^;