
HTC Voxのレビュー:The Boy Genius Report

The HTC Vox aka S710 is a device BGR readers are surely accustomed to by now, right guys? Then we showed you the real phone here remember. Ever since leaking the first photo of the phone online the Vox has truly interested me. A smartphone…

VistaのGadgetsがWMで動く日が?: Mobility Today

The crew over at on10 are showing a great video of Mel Sampat running Vista Gadgets running on Windows Mobile. Still a concept but it does look cool. Windows Vista has so many great features and I know a favorite at the top of everybody's …

Treo 750vのレビュー: PDAgold.com

February 27, 2007 :: Palm Treo 750v is not the first Palm with Windows Mobile as the operating system but the first Palm with Windows Mobile marketed in Europe. The Treo offers an excellent cell phone module with support for fast data tran…

HTC CavalierがTELEC通過か!\(^o^)/

某巨大掲示板で知りましたが、HTC Cavalier(CAVA100)が昨年の12月にTELECを通過したようです!(^^ゞ これで日本に投入されるということで間違いないのかな??(^^ゞ http://www.tele.soumu.go.jp/j/material/tech.htm http://www.tele.soumu.go.jp/j/materia…

Windows Mobile Device CenterのアイコンHack!:Pocket PC Thoughts

"In Windows Vista, there is a new software called Windows Mobile Device Center (WMDC), which replaces ActiveSync to synchronize your files and information to your handheld (Example 1). On the WMDC is a large photo of a device. By default M…

HTC Trinity(HTC P3600)のレビュー:Mobile-review.com

HTC P3600 codenamed Trinity (HTC’s developers keep on using imagination for new nicknames of their products), basing off the platform bearing the same name, makes more sense when considered as the successor to the HTC Magician. Listing out…


Ultimate is a new and exciting range of devices from i-mate™, the specialists in Windows Mobile® devices. The devices are designed with the latest in mobile technology to help you get the most from Windows Mobile® and i-mate™ solutions.Inn…

W-ZERO3[es] Premium Versionが0円!?

なんかW-ZERO3[es] Premium Versionが期間限定の3日間(月曜日まで)で年契すれば0円らしいですね〜! 転記とかできないみたいなんで情報はご自分で探してください(^^;



T-MobileからHTC Excalibur(T-Mobile MDA Mail)が発売!: msmobiles.com

HTC Excalibur was available in USA for a long time as T-Mobile Dash, but now it is available also in Europe... for mere 300 Euro without subscription. Some highlights about this T-Mobile MDA Mail smartphone: color : black display : 320x240…

HTC Vox(HTC S710)のフルレビュー!:Mobile-review.com

Smartphone HTC S710 (codenamed Vox) is another phase of WM platforms development. On top of that, this device may well give birth to a new range of smartphones and communicators housed in the new form-factor. In case of HTC S710, it is a c…


Microsoft has recently introduced a new version of its Outlook desktop application. Because this includes significant changes from the previous version, Palm, Inc. has been required to release a software update to allow all its Palm OS-bas…

Eleksen ElexTek Bluetooth Wireless Fabric Keyboardレビュー!:the::unwired

In work and leisure time, users want the flexibility and portability of small, lightweight technology products, but still have a fundamental need to enter, control and edit information quickly and easily - which iis one reason for the succ…

Windows Mobile 6 Reviews:CNET.COM


The good: Windows Mobile 6 features new shortcuts to make performing tasks easier, and there is added functionality to the Calendar and Contact apps. E-mail improvements include a new search function and HTML support, and there's good Wind…

PocketSkyView / 青空文庫ブラウザがリリース!

「PocketSkyView / 青空文庫ブラウザ」です。 データ受信中に中断できないとか、ランドスケープモードに対応していないとか足りない機能はありますが、公開をいたします。PocketSkyView ( 青空文庫ブラウザ )は、インターネット電子図書館「青空文庫」 に収…

HTC Cavalier(HTC S650)とSamsung i600の比較レビュー!:Mobile Review.com

It is not an ordinary occasion when HTC’s and Samsung’s paths cross on the market today. In case with the former, development and production of communicators and smartphones is what the company counts on ? it is HTC’s field of expertise. A…

i-mate Ultimateのスペック:Pocket PC Thoughts

You know the i-mate Ultimate specs inside out by now, although screen sizes and device dimensions may still be a bit of a blur - so, head over to Todo Pocket PC and check out the informative spec sheets of all five Ultimate devices. In a n…


香港から山根博士が一時帰国されるそうなので急ですが2月26日に迎撃オフを開催します!! 参加受付&詳細はこちらをhttp://d.hatena.ne.jp/kzou/00040226



昨日発表されたEM・ONEを有楽町のビックカメラで触って来ました♪ キーボードはなかなかいい感じ 質感もいい感じだけどヤワそうな感じも(^^; (薄くて大きいから剛性が?) スライド可動部分はガタツキありの03クオリティ(製品版では違うといいなぁ) 事業者ロッ…



某氏への懺悔コーナー 依然作ったMUIをロードするだけのackmuiですが、「変なことが起きる可能性はないはずだけど」とか書いておいてバグバグだったようですorzhttp://geocities.yahoo.co.jp/gl/hou_ming_2/comment/20061019/1161254770すいませんご迷惑をお…


イー・モバイル株式会社(本社:東京都港区虎ノ門、代表者:代表取締役会長兼 CEO 千本倖生、以下「イー・モバイル」)は、モバイル通信の世界でブロードバンド革命を実現すべく、マイクロソフト株式会社(本社:東京都渋谷区、代表者:代表執行役 社長 ダレ…

4smartphoneがExchange Server 2007に!:Mobility Today

Users of the brilliant 4smartphone service for server based exchange email will be pleased to know that they will be upgrading their servers to the latest Microsoft Exchange Server 2007 in quarter two this year. Mobility TodayによるとExcha…


To display correct date in your Windows Mobile devices, download this update! Updating Windows Mobile-powered devices for the new Daylight Saving TimeCongress has changed the dates for Daylight Saving Time (DST) in the United States starti…


Updated Terminal Services Client Additional localization WWE, CHS, CHT, KOR, and JPN 128 bit high encryption Custom port support Updated video support Full screen mode landscape VGA (640 x 480) Support for 16-bit and 24-bit color depths Au…


Wrapping up a digest with its major highlight is, to tell the truth, a very unoriginal move. I’m most positive that you have missed everything written above and scrolled straight down to this part ? at least I would do that. Because the E9…

W-ZERO3シリーズのWindows Vista対応について:シャープ

■ W-ZERO3シリーズのWindows Vista対応についてのお知らせ Microsoft Windows Vistaとの連携にはWindows Mobile デバイスセンターを使用してください。Windows Mobile デバイスセンターの機能や入手方法は、Microsoftのホームページをご覧ください。 http://…

Windows VistaとW-ZERO3シリーズとの同期:ウィルコムファン

2007年1月30日、Windows Vistaの発売が遂に開始された。XPからVistaへの過程で進化を遂げた操作・機能の随所に興味は尽きないが、当ウィルコムファンサイトとしては、Vista搭載のマシンでも今まで通りW-ZERO3シリーズとの連携に問題はないかどうかが気にな…

GoogleMap Mobileの日本語化MUIを作ってみた!

なんだか、現実逃避でGoogleMap Mobileの日本語化MUIを作ってみましたが、欲しい方って居ますかね??(^^; GPSが繋がらなかったときに表示される画面もある程度、忠実に翻訳したんだけど、どうせなら解決策をちゃんと書いてあげたほうが良かったりとか思った…

3GSMのHTCブースレポート!:htc Fan Site

スペイン、バルセロナで開催された「3GSM World Congress Barcelona 2007」に行かれていたkei_1さんよりHTCブースの様子がわかるホットなレポートが届きましたので掲載いたします! htc Fan Site にスペインで開催されていた3GSMでのhtcブースの様子を伝える…

MicrosoftがWM用のLive SearchとLiveを正式にリリース!

BARCELONA, Spain — Feb. 12, 2007 — Today at 3GSM World Congress 2007, Microsoft Corp. announced three new Windows Live™ for mobile services that provide search and communications capabilities to help people access their world of relationsh…