HTC Touch Proのフルレビュー!

The big brother of the HTC Diamond has arrived and we are expecting great things. Its been called a brick by many but if this device lives up to expectations it could be the best Windows Mobile device around. When the Diamond was launched we reviewed it and it was not a great experience, since then a couple of Rom upgrades have made it a new experience and a well received device. Let us hope that HTC have this one right straight out the box, lets find out. Read on for the full review.

Mobile Tech Addictsに欧州で発売されたばかりの、HTC Touch Pro(HTC Raphael)の写真と動画のフルレビューが掲載されています!
なんか、もしかしたら、Touch DiamondよりTouch FLO 3Dが最適化されて、速く動いているようなきがするみたいな〜?感じで欲しくなってきたかも!(w