HTC Touch vs iPhone Part2

In part 1 we restricted ourselves to just comparing the hardware differences between the HTC Touch and the iPhone. Here, in part 2, we go all out.
So much of what needs comparing between these two devices is software experience, so it had to be a video. And it turned into a more general "Windows Mobile vs. iPhone" sort of deal, so we bring you a long (25 minutes, too long for YouTube!) one. So grab a cuppa joe and witness the (low-key) smackdownery. If you don't have time just now, here's the short version:

  • iPhone: Absolutely rocks the universe with its media capabilities and its browser.
  • Windows Mobile: Still the king of productivity. ...with plenty of "check out this native 3rd party app" cheap shots thrown in at the end.

WMExperts.comにHTC Touch vs iPhoneの比較動画のPart2が紹介されています!
HTC Touchに指で文字が書けるSIPがあるのを初めて知ったり(^^;