Windows Liveが正式に提供されるかも?

Windows Live for Windows Mobile is coming soon through a growing number of wireless providers in the U.S., Europe, and Asia. Contact your wireless provider to find out about the new Windows Mobile 6 devices that will give you the richest mobile connection to your Windows Live world.
Conclusion: while it is slightly unclear whether Windows Live for Windows Mobile 5.0 will ever be available officially - either through Microsoft or through mobile operators (wireless providers), we recommend upgrading to Windows Mobile 6.0 device nonetheless... because it contains much more improvements than Windows Live alone! の記事ですが、MicrosoftのページにWindows LiveがWM6に標準インストールという形ではなく、WM5用にもMSやキャリアから提供される可能性があるそうです〜!(^^ゞ